The guiding principle of Rivendell Academy is that families are best equipped to choose curricula and methods of instruction to meet their children’s educational needs. Rivendell Academy provides recommendations, resources, and a supportive structure for families who choose to educate their children at home while allowing for maximum flexibility to customize their child’s education.
Rivendell Academy offers a home-based independent study program only. Families who enroll in our independent study program agree to offer full-time instruction to their children in the following areas of study using their choice of materials and methods:

English Language Arts, including spelling and grammar, reading and writing, poetry and literature, listening and speaking, keyboarding and handwriting.
Mathematics, including arithmetic concepts, operational skills, and problem solving.
Social Studies, including history, geography, and world cultures.
Sciences, including the biological and physical sciences.
Fine Arts, including music and visual arts such as drawing, painting, sculpture, dance, or drama.
Health, including basic anatomy, nutrition, emotional and interpersonal skills, and self care.
Physical Education, including everyday physical activity, such as swimming, bicycling, or sports.

English Language Arts, including world literature, composition, critical analysis, and debate.
Mathematics, including arithmetic, problem-solving, financial literacy, statistical concepts, geometry concepts, algebra concepts, and using technology to solve numerical problems.
Social Studies, including history, geography, world cultures, ethnic studies, and civics.
Sciences, including and biological and physical sciences such as biology, chemistry, and physics.
World Languages, including languages other than English such as modern foreign languages, classical languages, or American Sign Language.
Computer Literacy, including computer maintenance, online safety, internet search skills, email management, word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software, and programming.
Visual and Performing Arts, including dance, music, theater, and visual arts such as drawing, painting, sculpture, graphic arts or photography.
Practical Arts, including study skills, food preparation and safety, driver education, home maintenance, career technical education, industrial arts, business education, or agriculture.
Health, including human development topics such as mental health, human sexuality, family planning, and parenting skills.
Physical Education, including physical activities such as swimming, bicycling, or sports.

Complete your high school diploma and earn low cost transferable college credit at the same time!
Take online courses through Study.com and earn ACE credit that can transfer to partner accredited online universities.
Take online courses through Arizona State University's Universal Learner program and earn credit from ASU.